Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freedom Rally

My cup is totally running over tonight!!! We had 22 people in our house today and we watched football, ate food, laughed, told stories, and had some good ol' fashion fellowship. The highlight, though, was a conversation three of us gals had in my kitchen. What is legalism? Where does it come from? Why do people stay in it? Two of us had experienced legalism and lived in it for a while. Tonya hadn't. Let's just say, Tonya has a joy and freedom that is contagious! It's one of the things we love about her. But she is very confused by those of us that have lived in legalism. As she flipped her hair back and wrinkled her nose she said, "What's up with that?" How awesome would it be to wonder how legalism feels? As we tried to explain to her what it is, the words we that came up were "spiritual straight-jacket" and "shackles". We had a hard time explaining it but we were VERY familiar with how it felt. All I know is, I have had a taste of freedom and NEVER want to go back to the slavery of legalism again. I love being in love with my Savior! And I definitely don't miss worrying about whether or not I'm measuring up to the church's extra rules and demands of spiritual purity. So, on behalf of all the people that love livin' for Jesus, and for all those peeps still stuck in the muck of "the law", we decided we want to host a Freedom Rally! I'm humbled to be a servant of God, but I want to boldly proclaim it from the mountain tops that "I love Him!" I wish somehow I could tell my friends still "shackled up" that they don't have to live under that burden anymore! And those of us that know what freedom in Jesus feels like want to dance the night away! So...Let's have a rally! What do you want to share at our rally? Are you a former Pharisee, too? Are you ready to throw off your chains? I AM FREE AT LAST!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A few more pics

The kids' Christmas concerts were awesome!

Kade said he wanted to wear a tuxedo to his concert. After looking at one in the store he said with a confused look, "That looks like what a conductor wears." Evidently what he was picturing was a "suit coat". What a handsome kid!

Christmas time pics

Whits getting ready for her Christmas concert with her all girls honor choir. Looking at her smile, you'd never know she was terribly nervous.

What a load!

Even Pepper is getting into the Christmas thing :)

This is the NICE picture of Deanne and I. The other one would have been used for blackmail in years to come...

Kade and cousin Brett looking cool together. Niiiiiiiice!

Some Christmastime pics

Tate and Trey eating out with us.

Kade with his new football! Our little Titan fan...

Whits and Trey showing their gifts.

This year's jammies from Grandma Anne.