Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We are sooooo deceived!

I absolutely hate politics. And I'm half afraid to write this for fear it will sound political and incorrect, but.......

I was listening to "The View" this morning while getting ready. They talked about Sarah Palin and her son, Tryg, and how she chose to keep him even though she knew he had downs syndrom. They went on to say that 9 out of 10 women who find out that their baby has downs, abort them!!! Whoopie Goldberg later commented that "No one has the right to judge you when you have to make those tough decisions. They haven't walked in your shoes, so they don't know how tough that decision is." WHAT?

No one has the right to judge? I felt sooooooo sad that we are so blind to the fact that there is a God. He is loving. He is patient. He is kind.... and holy and JUST! God has the right to judge us! And we are horribly deceived if we think other wise.

The thing that took me back next was that they went to commercial break and there was a sweet little Santa Claus commercial with a little girl taking her letter to Santa at a Macy's store. Then the words like, "What kind of world would it be if there was no Santa?" WHAT?

We HOPE there's a Santa because it makes us feel happy and dillusional! But we ignore that there is an awesome God that DOES give HOPE! Real hope. I'm fully aware that this blog may sound like "fire and brimstone" talk. I truly believe in the grace of God!!! One, because the bible teaches it as truth. And two, because I've received and experienced it for myself.

I do know for sure that I definitely don't have the right to judge anyone! Whether it's a woman having an abortion, or a man stealing from a bank. But if we don't choose God to be our Lord, than we have chosen him to be judge, because we each will stand before him. Whether we choose to stand before calling him FATHER or JUDGE is up to us.

But to answer that question, Whoopie... Who has the "right" to judge? God. He alone.

"It is a terrifiying thing to fall into the hands of a living God." Hebrews 10:31 But, Amen to the fact that the bible also says, "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." Psalm 32:1

(If anyone stumbles onto this blog and you've been someone who has had an abortion, please know that I am not playing judge toward you. That isn't what this is about. I don't feel mad at Whoopie for asking the question. I don't love to think about God being judge. Actually, I hate it. It makes me super sad. But I do know He forgives you and LOVES you more than anything! But, I'm so sorry that we are such a deceived people to think that there will not be a day when justice will come. Get freed from the guilt and forgiven on THIS side of eternity. If you only knew all the crap Jesus has forgiven of mine, you would know, without a doubt that there is no way I could ever play judge of anyone. I'm just so thankful to know that because of Jesus wiping away my sin with his payment, I don't have to be terrified of God. He is my heavenly Father... and I LOVE that!)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

blah blah blah blah BLAH!

I am someone who has a tough time using FEW words. I can go on and on and on..... Just ask my teenage son who informed me while he was driving with his permit a couple months ago, "Mom, can we please not talk about this while I'm driving 'cuz you just keep going on and on about it." Now, if you know Tate, he said this with as much grace and patience as possible and was not disrespectful in the way he said it, but I could clearly understand his feelings since I, too, sometimes think, "Good grief, Candi, give it up already and shut up!!!"
The other day, my sister in law said something that felt very profound to me. She said, "God never lectures. He uses very few words to say stuff." True, true!
"Let there be light!"
"Be strong and courageous."
"Peace, be still."
"Follow me."
The times when God has spoken to my heart it usually IS just something right to the point, but VERY profound. One of my favorite quotes is, MORE ISN'T BETTER, SOMETIMES IT'S JUST MORE. Now, why can't I learn that about my words?!? I love this about God. He is a get-to-the-point kind of communicator. I love that he doesn't beat around the bush when he admonishes or encourages. He isn't the strong silent type that can't say, "I love you". He doesn't get on a tangent when we screw up for the 200th time that week. He doesn't expect us to read his mind. He just simple says it.
I hope the older I get, the less I talk and the better I listen. Blah, blah, blah, blah... how else can I ramble on about this? Okay, shutting up. (...sigh...)

Friday, November 6, 2009


There is a war that is waged in me often. The war of wanting to be perfect versus getting things done to a respectable point. I came across a page in my journal that I wrote as I was thinking about this one day. It looks like this...

Perfection vs. "do something"

  • clean the entire house in a day OR just pick up

  • laundry perfectly done OR do a load or two whenever

  • get ready for my marathon OR work out and feel good about it

  • iron and hang all clothes OR do a few shirts

  • make a gourmet meal from scratch or cook a Schwan's dinner :)

  • get involved in "major" church ministry OR serve somewhere well

  • get to ideal weight goal OR start getting healthy

  • special "controlled" time with my kids OR enjoy a shared moment

  • perfect art piece made OR experiment in art without expectation

  • study to fully understand OR enjoy learning

  • read an entire book series OR take in what you can bits at a time

  • write everyone's Christmas card before sending OR get a few out

So, here's a quote by Winston Churchill I came across tonight. This is powerful!

The maxim "Nothing but perfection" may be spelled PARALYSIS

When I am trying so hard to be perfect, do perfect, expect perfect, it doesn't cause a spirit to thrive, but instead to become paralized. It keeps me from stepping out and trying things. Edith Schaeffer once said, "People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it."

Lately, whether with my art, my music, my house, my laundry, yes, my laundry... I have been trying not to focus on perfection. It's exhausting! I have been reminding myself that God alone is perfect. And there's a verse that says, "God knows I am but dust..." so I will choose to enjoy the beautiful world he has made and all the imperfect people in it. I am just starting to learn this. And I will never learn it PERFECTLY, and that's okay. It's a joy to begin the journey of freedom that comes with this new understanding.