Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Don't mistake technical ability for originality."

Do you ever get tired of singing the same songs over and over in church? Have you ever attempted to copy a painted picture or photo only to feel disappointment with the mediocre product? I sure have!

I heard this quote on a television program today... "Don't mistake technical ability for originality." A guy was complimenting his friend on some old paintings he had done in years past. The friend told him there was nothing great about the paintings since they were all just vain attempts to copy another genuise's work. That's sometimes how I feel as I listen to a song played on the radio for the um-teenth time in a week or sing the same worship song over and over as a congregation.

I crave time and inspiration to write my own songs! I long to sculpt my own pieces and paint my own originals on canvas! Not to replicate or distribute them in mass quantities. Just for the sheer, simple pleasure of being creative and even giving them away as an original gift with a singular recipient in mind. I don't understand this idea of mass production of an original. Just think of what could happen if we all saw that we had "originals" to offer.

I have technical abilities. Some of them are very well used and perfected. But... what I really want is to offer up atleast one original to the Creator of originality... just a sweet, unreplicated gift to Him.

1 comment:

  1. I have thought about this a lot. I was trying to write a little ditty on the piano tonight with not much luck. And when I do play something I like, I think I can just remember it and often dont take the time to write it down. But then I forget it:( So I need to learn to write it down.

    But then sometimes I think of how Ecclesiastes says there is nothing new under the sun, and I start to think that nothing I do will be original.

    And I've also heard we're all just copying God.

    Sooo. I have drawn no conclusions. Just sharing some random thoughts from a tired mom brain. Miss you!!!
